Exciting times ahead !!
There are some very exciting times ahead at Maybug Studio. We moved house at the end of last year, built our cabin to work in, waited for the COVID-19 restrictions to ease and finally .......I have started doing workshops!
I have two venues at the moment, Spacecraft in Westbury and the Craft Barn in Lechlade.
The Westbury dates are as follows:
Thursday 10th June 9.30-1.30
Friday 2nd July 9.30- 1.30
Tuesday 28th September 10- 1.00pm
Saturday 2nd October 10-3.00pm
Lechlade at the memorial hall all are 10am-4pm
July 23rd SOLD OUT
August 10th SOLD OUT
August 24th 3 spaces
October 16th 2 spaces
November 12th 3 spaces
To book the Westbury venue send me a message at info@maybugstudio.co.uk
To book for Lechlade email info@lechladecraftbarn.com or call 07740416783/01367 700350
availability correct as 1st June.
If you would like more information email me info@maybugstudio.co.uk or call 07795261810
There will be more dates/ venues to come.
Look forward to meeting you at one of the workshops!